British Council and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
As part of the Skills for the World of Work programme we developed and developed a training programme on vocational educational and training (VET) to ensure supply-and demand-sides of the employer and labour market are closely aligned. A key aspect of this work has been developing protocols and intervention measures with key companies, such as Azercall, to ensure engagement and links with employers are firmly established as part of market reform in the education sector.
British Library Business and Intellectual Property Centre
We developed the business plan for the world leading British Library Business and Intellectual Property Centre (BIPC). The main aim of the BIPC is to facilitate business access to knowledge and information to promote the creation of companies, sustainable growth, and the exploitation intellectual property. Our work covered developing a methodology for delivery, creating a partnership strategy, preparing a business plan and bidding for funding. The BIPC model is now being rolled out in the UK and France.
Clinical Commissioning Groups (England)
We have worked with over 40 purchasing and commissioning organisations to undertaken both needs analysis and ensure health and wellbeing services are fit for purpose. Part of the work we have provided has centred on developing markets and ensuring value for money and effective patient care.
COREB (Coordination Opérationnelle du Risque Epidémique et Biologique financée par le Ministère de la Santé)
We have supported the development of a working model and business plan for the Ministry of Health (France) to create an infrastructure and knowledge platform to respond effectively to biological and epidemic risks. Part of this work involves mentoring and strategic support to on-going delivery of training and creation of working protocols for effective clinical care.
Department for Community and Local Government/Locality
We have supported numerous local areas and partnerships in developing operational plans and logical models as part of the wider agenda of co-design of public services. A key feature of our work is ensuring that cost benefit analysis (CBA) models are developed and employed by groups, stakeholders, and local areas to provide an evidence base for public service delivery decision-making.
EDF Energy
We have been involved in a research management capacity in developing and delivering energy from waste projects involving strategic partners, such as EDF Energy and the Energy Technology Institute. An important element of this work has been supporting and analysing input from academic institutions, such as Cranfield University, relevant for energy policy and business planning opportunities.
European Commission/Horizon2020
As part of the on-going Horizon2020 programme we have acted as experts, evaluators and/or rapporteurs for a range of Calls and funding programmes. In particular we have provided technical expertise on areas, such as the SME instruments, leadership, pre-commercial procurement (PCP), and science with and for society activities.
European Regional Development Fund
Lifeworld Ltd has successfully led a number of social, economic, and investment projects for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). These vary from looking at trading economies for local authorities, such as the Trade Local programme, to wider skills and training support in key sectors, such as construction, retail and manufacturing. A key feature of our work has been developing European and international partnerships for effective development and delivery, such as on technology transfer and infrastructure development in sports in Western Europe.
Finnish Innovation Fund (SITRA)
We provide strategic and on-hands support for the development of impact investing and development of social investment bonds. We also provided a strategic review of finance and funding to strengthen the eco-structure and infrastructure for impact investing in Finland drawing on best practice on payment by results and co-design in the public sector.
Higher Apprenticeship Service
Supported the national needs analysis of the Higher Apprenticeship Service covering 20 pilot projects nationally. The work included leading on the development of the methodology for data gathering and how the data and information were structured and presented. It also has involved leading of a ‘development’ project on engaging and working with employers.
Laurea University of Applied Sciences
We have led on a national research programme identifying and examining the true scope for innovation in public sector supply-chains through promoting the greater use of SMEs. This research programme provided a blue-print for innovation in the public sector. We also provided training to students to develop and deliver the methodology for the research.
London 2012 Olympics
Lifeworld Ltd was involved in supporting the impact assessment of the London 2012 Olympics on the London Olympic Boroughs, and the opportunity to develop regional skills and infrastructure. Our work also involved supporting senior managers and staff to ensure that all the legal and compliance requirements were met for social and economic impacts of the Games– a key requirement for the International Olympic Committee.
National Health Service (England)
Our team has been heavily involved in a number of high-profiles projects and in an advisory capacity for the National Health Service (England). This has involved training project managers of the Independent Sector Treatment Centre (ISTC) programme, reviewing the impact of key legislation on NHS supply chains, and assessing the opportunity for managing health markets and joint commissioning with local authorities. Importantly, our work has been delivered at both trust (local) and national scales. We have also worked with providers of health care, such as Lundbeck, developing risk-sharing schemes with public bodies.
Procurement Hub for London Colleges
Supported the development of a procurement hub for the 55 Further Education Colleges in London. On behalf of the Association of Colleges and the Learning and Skills Improvement Service, this project involved developing framework contracts to ensure savings accrued across London. It also involved the creation of a strategic approach to procurement and ensuring links were made with Ofsted and the learning and skills agenda.
Rural broadband infrastructure investment
We supported the development of a rural (superfast) broadband infrastructure through a mix of public and private funds. Key aspects of this work involved issuing an investment brief; managing the investment process; undertaking due diligence on potential companies; and overseeing the delivery of the project. One important feature of this work was managing the risk averse nature of a public body and ensuring appropriate governance and audit systems were in place to meet procurement and investment regulation and law.
Russian Ministry of Economic Development and International Trade
We have had a long-standing relationship with different government departments in the Russian Federation. One feature of our work has been training civil servants in preparation for the Global Procurement Agreement and the creation of a more diverse internal market. We also have worked on the supply-side helping companies explore public sector opportunities, such as with the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics.
Small Business Service (Department of Business, Innovation and Skills)
We developed and managed the national Fit to Supply programme which supported over 5, 000 business to win public sector contracts. Our expertise also contributed to the development of supplier e-portals, such as, and the understanding of the links between regeneration, economic development and the policy through procurement agendas. Here we devised and delivered on national policy which impacted on growth, competitiveness and innovation.
Wembley Stadium
Building on our expertise in infrastructure, skills and training we were involved in the management and evaluation of a national skills programme and regeneration strategy linked to the building of Wembley stadium. Our clients involved a mix of stakeholders – tier 1 suppliers and local authorities, for example – which we supported in developing the Building One Stop Shop. The approach devised for this project has now been rolled out internationally and is a key feature of many sport infrastructure projects.
United Nations Development Programme
We organised a ‘seeing is believing’ study tour for businesses from central/eastern Europe to explore and assess examples of good practice in promoting wider socio-economic and environmental aims as part of a corporate social responsibility agenda. A key feature of this programme was developing a culturally sensitive method of sharing ideas and ensuring case studies were captured and disseminated to a wider audience.